A Taste of Guitar

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A Taste Of Guitar

dp started TOG in a donut shop that grew into Art Exposure art gallery. Art Exposure 50

TOG was started to allow beginner to advance guitar students a family friendly venue to perform, listen to a guest artist perform and lecture plus ending the night with a QA session of the guest artist and what they discussed. Never a recital but a real performance / educational opportunity.

All local guitar teachers were welcomed and promoted at each TOG event. Each student had to be auditioned by dp to earn a performance spot. They were encouraged to perform solo guitar arrangements but having their teacher, parent, or a friend play along was ok. Anytime a family could performed was encouraged. The teacher or dp would introduce the student performer but the student had to introduce all remaining compositions. ( title, artist / guitarist and any information that the audience would like to know). The night usually started out with entry level performances moving on to the more advance students leading up to the guest artist. dp and elder musicians donated their time, equipment, etc. to support the young artist. The TOG events were free to the public with donations accepted to cover any expenses. Once a student was selected to be a part of a TOG event dp would go and take photos of each student and create a TOG poster which was posted in all of the local businesses and music stores so the audience was more than just family members. Local business were recruited to sponsor TOG to provide food, drink etc. A student hearing strangers applauding and saying nice things about their performance had a positive impact that words can’t express fully. Each TOG performer received a TOG Alumni t-shirt at the end of the night.

Earl Ate Dynamite Good Bye Earl!